Thursday, 13 August 2015

Len Lye Art Gallery

Len Lye Art Gallery

Room 10 and Room 11 went to the the Len Lye Art Gallery on Friday last week.

Len Lye made amazing 3D sculptures and other cool pieces of art.

 At the Len Lye Art Gallery the place is ginormous the ceiling is like 50 meters high and you wonder how do they change their light bulbs.

 Any way in the art gallery there is an area called the Len Lye centre and it’s some of the art that Len Lye has created.

 Our favorite art was Universe it is a big metal circle that has magnets and at one point Universe looks like it’s about to fall off.

 Another piece of art that Len Lye made is called Wavy Grass and Wavy Grass it is made out of stainless steel and it makes me feel super calm when I look at it.

 As soon as I walked in the front door I had a rush of excitement but I didn’t express it. The other pieces of art I didn’t really like that much at all.

Len Lye's art is a sort of calm art but also very energetic. 


Image result for len lye centre univers

This is Wavy grass.

This is Universe

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