Tuesday, 16 June 2015

National young leaders day

What did you think of NYLD 2015. Give your opinion and reasons why you hold these opinions (at least 4 sentences). I think that young leaders day was good because most year sixes get the opportunity to be a better leader. Each speaker and youth speaker has there own story but they all teach you how to be a better leader. I think that all year sixes should have the chance to go to young leaders day and learn how to be a better leader. All the children who walked out have become better leaders.

Who was your favourite speaker and why? (Describe in at least 4 sentences). William Pike because he has had one life threatening event going up mount ruapehu. Also the one thing that he said that stood out to me is think all passion no limits and you can do anything. That life threatening event coasted him his right leg but he got a prosthetic leg and went back up mount ruapehu. The whole time he thought all passion no limit.

What have you learnt about being a leader? (At least 4 sentences). I have learnt how to be a more responsible leader. I’ve learnt from other people how to be a better leader and never give up. Other leaders have helped me become a better leader. I’ve learnt to not care about myself but to care about others.

How could you use this learning here at school? (At least 4 sentences) I will never give up on a task even if it's really hard. I am going to ask for help whenever i get the opportunity. I will try and find away to figure something out. I will now think all positive and try and achieve my goal.

Action points - something I am going to work on (a goal) from NYLD: i am going to work on asking for help

My favourite quotes were (remember to say who said them): William pike think all passion no limits


Anonymous said...

Kaino, you certainly gained a lot from your Young Leaders day. You wrote this:
'Other leaders have helped me become a better leader.' I think it's really important that you have the humility to recognise that you can learn from others whom you admire, and then in turn, pass that on to someone else.

It's a bit like our Reading Relay, only it's a Leading relay??
Instead of Read it, Love it, Rate it ,Pass it on, it's
Lead it, Love it,(feel good about the leadership skills you displayed), Rate it, (did I do the right thing for that other person?), Pass it on (be the example you want others to follow.)

Anonymous said...

Hi Kaino,
I really liked that day. My favourite speaker was Marcus Winter. He had some awesome artistic skills. He started on the streets and then someone noticed him he was such an inspiration.